Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Latest nasty idea...

...from an official Govt source is that little children of five years old should be given "sex education". Who produces these vile policies? The horrible schemes of sex-ed that have been used in many secondary schools over the past two decades have made their own contribution to the inexorably rising rates of sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers...I suppose the people who relish that sort of thing are now keen to involve little ones, too.

How horrible it all is, and how miserable. And I'm so sickened by the fatuous arguments that are used to prop up the claim that children "need" this sex-ed. This isn't the 1950s. The notion that Britain's young people are growing up with no information about sexual matters, to arrive at the altar for matrimony ignorant of what it all involves, is just ridiculous, and to claiming such tosh to justify talking about sex to five-year olds is disgraceful.

Children today get so much material about sex on the television, especially in the soap-operas ..school should be one place which is free from this pressure, a safe place, where children can be happy, and allowed to use their minds to think along large lines, to discover the great things of the world.

Today in golden Autumn sunshine a cheerful team from the local Council arrived to collect garden rubbbish. Joy!! I hurried out with armfuls of branches, and they were helpful and kind, with laughter and talk as the greenery got stacked away. In the afternoon a neighbour knocked on our door with a small box of sweets "It's Divali, and these are for you" and to say that his little baby daughter was celebrating her first birthday... They are a very nice family. Later his wife brought some delicious rice and chicken and a slice of birthday cake for us. The baby is sweet and beams back agreeably when you smile at her. Just think: in four years' time she'll be ready for school and her first sex-education lessons...


  1. Anonymous11:11 pm

    Any 5 year old who "needs" any REAL sex ed is a 5 year old who is the victim of a sex crime, or is living in an environment where an adult is contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
    In my experience (5 kids, ages 15 -
    24) - the intro of sex ed into the primary grades is just a beating-around-the-bush way of introducing the little ones to the "My Two Mommies" genre of kids' lit.
    My good friend's 1st grader (10 years ago, in a Catholic school) was scared to death that he'd get AIDS - the teacher talked about it, and that it's contagious, and deadly, but couldn't (obviously) say how it's spread. Poor little guy was sure that he was going to catch it!
    There's no shortage of stupid in the ed biz.

  2. Anonymous3:01 am

    On a related matter, please pray for the passage of Proposition 8 in California to change the state constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. If prop 8 fails, our school age children will be taught that same-sex marriage is not only okay, but right. Only five more days until our American elections.

  3. Anonymous10:40 am

    How do you know what children watch on TV if you don't have a television? In any case, you may as well argue that medical students don't need to be taught properly as they already know it all from watching Casualty.

  4. Anonymous10:58 am

    The Grumpy Old Aussie says,

    Hooray! Prop 8 PASSED! California did the right thing! Te Deum Laudamus!

    I was reading about a study somewhere (probably in a news article on the Drudge site) that teenage girls who watch Sex and the City on televison were far more likely to become pregnant than girls who did not watch it. A good argument for getting rid of the television, or at the very least, if one can't bring oneself to be quite so stringent, to have the box in a high traffic area of the house and monitor usage like a hawk! (Not to mention having brought up your children with proper religious values, even to the point of assiduously and carefully de-programming the modern sex ed received at school (including Catholic schools)!

    When we are told that we, as parents, are the first teachers of our children, it is an on-going and ever-deepenng responsibility. To trust the schools to do what is right is, as mary ann describes, terribly dangerous nowadays and has been so for years.

    As for TV, my weakness is Inspector Morse--it is, Joanna, as close as I'll get to Oxford, alas. Oriel College and Newman's rooms sound wonderful!
