Friday, October 03, 2008

I've been sent..

..a Parish Study Guide called WITNESS, which is aimed at preparing people for Confirmation. It would be particularly useful for adult candidates, or people going through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. No woffle about getting people into a circle and talking about feelings, or "each of us sharing our faith story". This is an information-packed scheme, full colour with pics, going systematically through the Catholic Faith, with answers to questions that people really ask, not ones that some campaigners think they ought to ask!

Thus it goes through the Creed, with detailed material on God the Father, the Trinity, the Virgin Birth, the Last Judgement, the Communion of saints, and more...and there are pages on the Church's seasons, on liturgical vestments, and sacred vessels, and symbols, and everything from incense to cassocks, from initials like AMDG to how St Boniface gave us the Christmas tree. It's published by Heart and Voice Publications


  1. Anonymous4:46 pm

    I don't see this title listed on the publisher's website. What is the date of publication? Perhaps, it is still in the early marketing stages prior to full release.

  2. Yes it's good. I got a copy straigh away as we know Fr Eugene from his psalm writing. Hope we'll dip into it this year.

  3. Thanks for that Joanna. I will buy a copy for my sister who is coming into the Catholic Church in November.
