Saturday, September 06, 2008

Want to come and hear...

...a talk on "Celebrating traditional feasts and seasons in Britain"? Try this website
and click on to the relevant bit for "events". I am giving a talk in the old Carshalton House Water Tower...which is intriguing because in this unusual 18th century building I began my education at the age of four...


  1. Anonymous7:10 pm

    I wish I could find a good source for stuff like this. My grandfather was catholic and lived in England and immigrated here when he was 20.
    I recently decided to come home to the church at 44 years old and don't know what is next...
    I don't have the recipes, I have forgotten the traditions, I waited too long to come back and feel I am missing out on a lot.
    Someone should video tape this and make it available :)

  2. Anonymous3:06 pm

    You are in no way too old!! Many of us lifelong Catholics, in our forties, are connecting for the first time with the beautiful traditions of the Faith. You are not "behind" at all. . .in fact, you are ahead of many. . .so hop in, the water's fine.
