Saturday, September 06, 2008


...has always seemed to be a sort of blessing, because water is the one liquid without which man cannot live.

But, goodness, we've been getting an awful, awful lot of it just lately. Last night it was bucketing down so hard that you could barely see through it in the dusk, and J. was soaked through - absolutely through, even his socks were soaked - and I could barely hear his kock on the door against the buffeting of the wind and rain.

I am reading the beautiful book just out from Family Publications: Fr Dominic Allain's delightful Diary of a City Priest, compiled from his delightful weekly columns in the Catholic Herald. It is a joy to read, and a must-buy for Christmas. Accounts of everyday life in a very busy suburban parish and's all there, parish Masses and deathbed hospital anointings, baptisms of babies, First confessions and First Communions, a group meeting regularly to prepare for World Youth Day...and all with insights, thoughtful views, a glimpse of the inner man. I'm touched, amused, enchanted and inspired.


  1. Thank you for the recommendation. I've just placed my order!

    Although I've not met Fr Dominic in person, he was a tremendous help to me a few months ago (via telephone) - so, there's another string to his pastoral bow. He is truly a great priest and I hope his book inspires others to test their vocations!

  2. Anonymous9:44 am

    He seems to be a great priest and his articles are always so inspirational. When he was a seminarian, didn't he also write for the Catholic Times after it reappeared some years back?

    But...haven't you rather blown his cover?

  3. Sounds like just the sort of book to buy now the nights are drawing in and I need a good read!
