Friday, September 12, 2008

I am jealous...

...of the Americans, having an election. I WISH WE COULD HAVE ONE. We have had this dreadful Govt for quite long enough. Latest gruesome plan is to extend the Abortion Act to Northern Ireland...something which is opposed by the Northern Irish across all religious divides, but that isn't something to deter the present ideologues who rule us...


  1. Quite.

    But His Grace senses the endgame. It may not be as long as one has been led to believe.

    And the joy is that the new intake on the Conservative benches will be overwhelmingly in favour of amendments to the Abortion Act, not to mention a re-appraisal of the increasingly 'god-less' legislation this appalling Labour government has inflicted upon us.

  2. Anonymous1:44 pm

    The pro-aborts are truly revolting.

  3. Anonymous6:06 am

    I regret that this shows up Annoymous..
    I can't seem to be able to send anything out otherwise.
    Jealous of the opportunity to change I understand, but unfortunately America is facing a very grim election year. The Americains that actually "hate America" are growing by leaps and bounds and will be out in full force to Vote. CHANGE is the slogan being used. I fear the Change that is coming will drag us even farther away from the morals, values,ideals and path we should be taking.

  4. It's interesting being an American. Every four years you feel like your world could be thrown to the wind. So...while it may be something to envy, it can be durned nervewracking. I'm so freaked out I'm chewing on my nails...and they're acrylic!

    Both of our candidates are now campaigning for change. I tell Obama supporters...change is only good if it's good change.

    It's going to be a wild ride, and if the infanticide-supporting fellow wins, we're going to be looking a lot like Britain in the not-too-distant future.

    Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, pray for us!

  5. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Don't be TOO jealous.

    All that I can say is, in the face of how this election is playing out, is that I am grateful for my faith. With cable TV, the assault on the teachings of the Magistereum is unrelenting. It's a spiritual bloodbath here.
