Monday, September 08, 2008


...with arrangements for the Towards Advent Festival at Westminster Cathedral Hall on sat Nov 8th. Put it in your diary! Admission free. Lots of displays from Catholic groups and organisations, books, DVDs, Catholic items on sale. Talks with excellent speakers including Fr Aidan available all of the Cathedral...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Joanna,

    I am an American and have been reading your blog for almost as long as you have had it. I have begun to say the daily prayer for the conversion of England, and hope you can spare one for us in the USA as well from time to time, as it is very bad here, too, and the USA has never been a Catholic country.

    I saw your interview with Charles Cole on Catholic Lives on EWTN last week. It was a very uplifting program, and I am looking forward to seeing more of the series. I also bought the CD's for the CHN conference that you attended and learned much from the talks you gave.

    I pray for God to bless you day by day and keep you strong in the Faith.

    Vicki Williams
    Woodbridge, VA
