Sunday, June 01, 2008

A busy weekend...

...had begun on Friday evening with a fund-raising event at a friend's house in Chelsea, in aid of the International Theological Institute. I'd been working on this for ages, and it was great to have niece L. to help out. Drinks, talk, nibbles. A nice team came from St Patrick's Soho Square,(free, as they count as students), and members of the Catholic Cultural Group, and various other people. It all went well - though numbers not as good as in previous years, a bit disappointing - but golly when it ended L. and I were exhausted! Home to a late-night snack and big mugs of tea.

Before L. went back to university on Saturday morning, Uncle J. treated us all to breakfast in a posh new cafe just opened locally...scrambled eggs and smoked salmon, and lovely coffee. Then off to Kent (see entry below)...


  1. Anonymous5:22 pm

    Considering how much you enjoy British black and white films (remember mentioning some war films given away by the Daily Mail?)and the nostalgia of the 1940s/50s, I am amazed you write so much about mugs. Nobody used them in those days except workmen and prols. Imagine Cardinals Griffen and Godfrey, Mgr Ronald Knox and the ladies of Mells, still less Evelyn Waugh and his circle, the Oratorians and so on using them. I can't, nor respectable suburban Catholic families. Irish labourers are another story. But if you do take up the use of cups and saucers, don't drink out of the latter.

  2. Anonymous11:56 pm

    I prefer to drink mine straight out of the pot.

  3. Anonymous10:02 am

    Anonymous 2 reads as if it was written by the Pope of Blackfen.
