Thursday, May 22, 2008

Vatican Radio...

...phoned me yesterday, to talk about the Catholic Women of the Year. The four women chosen for this honour have just been announced - the Catholic press will be running the story in the next editions.The idea is to honour "unsung heroines" - women who serve the community and the Church and show the reality of the Faith in their lives...they don't get a medal or anything, just the thanks and gratitude of other Catholic women at a celebration lunch! And the Catholic Women of the Year Luncheon this year is on Friday October 10th at the Thistle Hotel, Marble Arch. Send SAE to the Chairman for details: 22 Milton Rd WARE Herts. Funds raised at this year's Luncheon will go to Youth 2000.

I hadn't known much about Vatican Radio and am now interested. You can find out about it for yourself here.

1 comment:

  1. Well,
    Don't keep us in suspense, who are they Joanna!
    I just hope that they don't include Mrs. Cherie Blair, she of the 'I didn't bring my contraceptive equipment' , hence the conception of Leo Blair.
    Or, indeed, Cristina Odone, who would like a reduction in the upper age limit for abortion to, about 12 weeks,say.
