Friday, May 02, 2008

Two sisters...

...who share a home and have done so for years have been denied a tax advantage because they are not lesbians in a Civil Union...see this comment.

Yesterday, Ascension Day, marks the start of the original Novena - nine days before Pentecost. This is origin of the tradition of having a Novena, nine days of prayer for some special intention - because the Apostles spent the days between the Ascension and Pentecost in prayer.

So a friend and I have started a Novena to pray for our Bishops. We are meeting every day to pray together in London. Want to join us? You can do so anywhere. We meet at 5pm London time, and we pray the Rosary. Yesterday being a Thursday, we started with the Mysteries of LIght...


  1. An interesting article, and a sad indictment on the hidden injustices taking place in modern Britain.
    I am told that my two great-great aunts were faced with the same problem over their family home although in the early 1960s there was no such thing as civil partnerships to create a possible 'escape hatch'.
    I don't know about you but I disagree with the entire concept of inheritance tax.

  2. Anonymous9:46 pm

    I do not apologise for repeating myself: As regards the sisters: another of Blair's legacies; and he should make a public statement repudiating all those occasions when he allowed anti-Christian measures to be put into law (by the back door of Orders in Council) when he was, as PM,in a position to do good instead of evil - if, in the face of his wife's disagreement - he dare.
