Sunday, March 30, 2008


...after an Easter that included a magnificent Easter Vigil at the Oxford Oratory, a lot of family talk and fun with four generations of one side of the family and three of another, a trip on the West Somerset Railway (recommended), a good deal of chocolate, and the joy of wobbly-legged lambs in the wet fields, and primroses in lanes, and church bells and pub lunches and the sea and time to read.

We tried to watch the Pope's Urbi et Orbi message on TV (BBC) on Easter Sunday but it suddenly went off the air and we got Songs of Praise instead. Did anyone else have this problem? A phone call to the Beeb produced an assurance that I'd get an email about the matter within ten working days.

The current Catholic Herald has a feature by me about a painting of St John Fisher in the chapel of the school dedicated to him in Purley, Surrey. The feature, very nicely, concludes with a reference to this Blog and an invitation to people to read here's a cheery welcome to anyone who has taken the CH's advice and is thus reading this...


  1. Welcome back.

    His Grace has missed your refreshing reflections.

  2. Anonymous7:59 am

    and the hangers on in the southern hemisphere have missed you too!

  3. Handing out 'Thank you to our priests' cards with Joanna at Arundel was a great success! Now every priest has a card, the reaction was very positive! Looking forward to doing it again next year! Thank you Joanna for organising and making the effort to come down to Arundel for the evening!

  4. It was such a joy to meet you after the Easter Vigil Mass at the Oxford Oratory. What a nice surprise and I recognized you right away from EWTN. Thanks for time time you spent with me and our grown children. Pat Hain
    p.s. I'm enjoying your blog.
