Friday, March 14, 2008

Auntie not very well....

...I've got 'flu, or something like it. High temperature, shivering, a bubbly sound in my chest.

I did manage to get out this morning to Our Lady Immaculate School in Tolworth, where I was due to speak to the children at morning Assembly about the ACW Schools RE Project. Absolutely sweet sight as the little ones came in - they'd been told to be quiet and put their fingers on their lips. A glowing candle beside a crucifix, and an open Bible. Pictures of Our Lord's miracles flashed up on to a screen most efficiently by a child organising the power-point as I spoke about Our Lord quelling the storm at sea and healing the paralytic man. The children's voices chorusing their prayers, asking for help in the day ahead: "...Father, I want to please you today in all I do and say".

Tolworth is not far away and and I had set out along the A3 quite cheerily - haven't cycled that route since my marathon ride to Brighton last year to raise funds for World Youth Day . But I was feeling wobbly and getting along seemed a great effort. I was glad when I arrived at the school and was sipping tea, along with a couple of aspirin.

Jamie worked for a while at Tolworth some years ago. It is frankly not a beautiful place - all traffic and motorway junction, dominated by that gross square office slab of Tolworth Tower. Our Lady Immaculate Church, a large welcoming building, is the great redeeming feature of the place and I remember dropping in there when meeting J. from was lovely to spend a few quiet moments there this morning. There were a good number of people for morning Mass. Statues etc draped in purple cloth for Passiontide. A big formal banner outside proclaiming that the church is celebrating its Golden Jubilee.

I wobbled home and J. tucked me up in bed and made me a mug of tea.


  1. Get well soon.

    The Lord has given you a few days to read something most enjoyable and spiritually uplifting!

  2. Thank you so much for your visit Joanna. I am grateful that you attended our assembly even though
    you feel less than your normal self!
    Felt great to have you speak at our school.
    Get better, whilst enjoying your mugs of tea.

  3. Anonymous1:31 pm

    Oh Joanna..I hope you didn't pick up any nasty Brummie bugs! Everyone is still talking about how wonderful you are so let that cheer you up. You did an amazing work of charity for us the benefits which we will feel for a long time to come. Will pray especially for you..get some rest!

  4. Anonymous1:35 pm

    The project is interesting.

    The comment I'd make, obviously for next year, is that your subjects don't invite much creativity. Really all that children will do is summarise the gospel accounts, which is valuable in itself, but not open-ended.

    Angels, which were the previous topic, seemed to suffer from the opposite problem. The children didn't know what the Church teaches about them, so you got fantasies with too little Catholic connection.

    I think you need to find a middle ground. Something like stories about St Patrick. Children will much more readily make up something about St Patrick than about Jesus, and probably rightly so.

  5. Hi Joanna.
    Sorry to hear you are not well. Praying you have a swift recovery.

  6. I hope you are feeling better soon; just checking - do you have a CO detector - we didn't when we moved recently and I have just had my cooker condemned because it was giving off CO! It might just explain the four colds/viruses I had in the last four months!! As usually I only get one a year! I feel a lot better since the cooker was condemned and we have a new ordered - hope it comes in time for Easter and a nice roast dinner!

  7. Anonymous4:54 pm

    Prayers for a speedy recovery. And thank you for the wonderful "The Lion of Munster" article in VOICES.

    I'm enjoying reading through your blog.

    Keep the faith!

    Mary Jo Anderson

  8. My parents got married in Our Lady Immaculate Church, Tolworth. So sad to see that they have "re-ordered" everything on the sanctuary - just when the present Holy Father is leading the faithful to a more liturgical sane vision.

    Hope you get well soon.

  9. I was baptised in that church and attended OLI school. Fond memories!! Really enjoy the blog
