Friday, February 01, 2008

St Robert Southwell...

...heroic Jesuit martyr, who died with quite extraordinary courage after vicious torture, has his feast-day in February, so I was writing about him this morning for a feature in the Catholic Times. I hope that Jesuits today (yes, I am thinking of the pro-priestess ones!) learn from him.


  1. Anonymous6:30 pm

    Wonderful indeed!

  2. Why not put up some of his poetry Joanna? To my shame I only discovered "Times go by turns" in the past year.

    As you know there are many more

    He deserves to be given as much prominence as GM Hopkins.

  3. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Not wishing to blow the proverbial trumpet but there is a CTS booklet on Robert Southwell, should anyone wish to learn more...

  4. Anonymous10:52 pm

    Followed Joanna on EWTN. Currently watching Joseph Pearce and his series on Shakespeare. Reading about Southwell in Pearce's book. Joseph makes a wonderful and convincing case for Southwell's influence on Sahkespeare's Venus and Adonis, as well as mentions many martyred for the faith in England. What would the martyrs, especailly the Jesuit martyrs think of the Jesuits in England today? Their site is absoultely heartrending! They need our prayers. Our pro-abort VP Biden was applauded when he took Holy Communion at a Jesuit chapel in Washington so the Jesuits in the US are equally appalling!!
