Thursday, February 14, 2008


There's a giant new red poster on a hoarding along the main road near here which says "SOME PEOPLE ARE GAY - GET OVER IT". Well, yes, I found myself thinking - there are people who announce that they are gay, and then get over it. In the past couple of years I have read two features in (non-religious) newspapers by people who, having previously announced themselves as lesbians, later came to a different conclusion and subsequently married very happily and had children.

The poster is produced by Stonewall, a homosexualist lobby group. They've made a big mistake on this one. An absolutely key part of successful advertising is to remember that people don't read subtle details - they just respond to what seems to be the basic message. And the basic message of this poster is that people who are gay will get over it. I don't think that's what Stonewall wanted to convey at all.


  1. Anonymous5:06 pm

    I'm no gay rights activist, but I beg to differ w/ you on one point. Yes, there are people who declare themselves gays or lesbians and later marry and have children. But that's not always the case. Some of us who find ourselves attracted to people of the same sex and are practicing Catholics conclude that this is simply our cross to bear in life--our thorn in the flesh. We don't act on our desires--that would be a serious breach of Catholic teaching. However, we don't necessarily try to become heterosexuals. God willing, some of us will, but I've pretty much become resigned to the fact that I shall never be married or have children. I might as well "get over it."

  2. Anonymous7:32 pm

    Well that's what Joanna meant 'get over it!' (I have lots of friends & relations in your position..sure it's a cross but we all have one..)

  3. Anonymous11:52 pm

    Don't be naive Joanna.

    The fact that this sort of propaganda can appear on advertising hoardings is very worrying. The fact that you can devise a schoolgirl misparsing of the message doesn't change that. Someone is going to have to stand up to this homosexual lobby sooner or later, and I just hope that it won't be you.

  4. Anonymous3:13 am

    People who have these struggles need to be lifted up in much prayer and annointed.
    This is a very heavy cross to bear I am sure.
    These tendencies are clearly not from God. The bible says we do not wrestle with flesh and blood but with unseen forces.
    I beleive people who go on to not live that life style have been delivered. We serve a powerful God who loves us and has good things planned for our life.

  5. Anonymous9:52 am

    This message is clearly directed at heterosexuals. The irony is that there is now either general acceptance or indifference to the message that there hardly seems any point in posting it, still less commenting on it.

  6. There is so much professional help available to all those suffering from Same Sex Attraction Disorder. Funny how you never hear about it and only get told that it's all normal and to 'do your thing' and be proud of it.

    Only the TRUTH desperately needs to be told and all the lies exposed because there are so many unhappy people out there.

    Sufferers can be helped, yes even to get out of this self destructive lifestyle but they first have to admit to themselves that there is a problem - which clearly there is.

    The National Association for Research and Therapy into Homosexuality has existed since 1992 and is there to offer assistance to all.
    Here is the link -

    Stonewall is a political lobby group with their own agenda which exists to enslave those caught in this lifestyle by the 'hey, it's perfectly normal' propaganda and to destroy family life, all part of the original Gay Liberation Front Manifesto.

    For those genuinely struggling with SSAD our prayers are with you.

  7. Anonymous4:02 pm

    A useful book would be Fr John Harvey (very sound priest): The Truth about Homosexuality- The Cry of the Faithful.

    I agree with Joanna that some people who are gay do get over it (many with a mixture of spiritual direction and psychological help). However, for some, the inclination remains with them.

    As Catholics, it is absolutely necessary that we stand up for the truth in this area. However, it is also important that we understand some of the causes and therapies for the disorder in order to help our brethren who suffer with these desires.


  8. It is interesting to note children's perceptions of the word "gay". My 10 yr old (homeschooled) was at his group tennis lesson, when a conversation started up regarding the word gay (he told me about it later, and since I'd been dreading the moment when this word in its present understanding would be presented to him, and how I would have to explain it, I was relieved at how the conversation went)...

    Jack "oh that's so gay" trying to describe something in a derisory manner. Fiona "Actually, Jack, gay is a word that's actually in the English dictionary". Bill, "Yes, Jack, and it means to be happy". My son "yes, and I've read it lots of times too". (well, he was brought up on Muffin the Mule, Andy Pandy videos, and plenty of books written before the 1970's!!)
    He then went on to show me how he'd rationalised the misuse of this word, "you know, mummy, like a few years ago people used to say, 'that's wicked' meaning something is good, well, now they use a word that means something good, as an insult". Mmmm, yes dear, says I (silently thanking St. Maria Goretti for keeping his innocence for a little while longer).
    Interesting to see how children view the word though, isn't it?
    Please God they won't be putting up any of those posters round where we live.

  9. maggieclitherow, the use of the word 'gay' to describe something in a derisory fashion is quite widespread. The homosexual lobby complained about it a few years ago - funnily enough their complaints were strangely reminiscent of those letters to the Times complaining that it used to mean happy.
