Friday, February 29, 2008

Catholic education...

has been in the news. Domestic responsibilities this week have made blogging a bit optional. But I've managed to keep up with other writing work, and if you want a taste of what I think about current controversies in Catholic education, you can read about it here.

And Oremus the magazine of Westminster Cathedral, has my feature about Australian pioneer heroine Caroline Chisholm, which I've linked to World Youth Day, coming up in Australia this July...there is renewed interest in her story, because of the Papal visit and WYD, and I've been asked to give some talks about her. She was virtually forgotten - and certainly so here in England when I wrote my book about her in 1995 (it's currently enjoying a new boost of sales).

Life this week has centred around hospital visits and family phone discussions, planning domestic arrangements. It all makes one so grateful for family and friends.


  1. Anonymous2:54 pm

    Love your blog.

    Saw you interviewed on EWTN and enjoyed it so much.

    Now I just have to get your book.

  2. Nothing too serious, I hope. You and yours are in my prayers anyway!

  3. Dear Mrs Bogle,
    I enjoyed your excellent book on the life of Caroline Chisholm.
    I have just one question regarding the family of Major Archibald who was a distant relative of mine.
    You state in your book that he had two older brothers, Aeneas and Colin. Now, we know that apart from Colin he also had two other older brothers, John and William, both also military men. However, I know of no record of a brother named Aeneas. I wonder what was your source for this information and whether perhaps you might have mistaken him for his nephew, Colin's son, Aeneas who became Bishop of Aberdeen in 1899?
    Incidentally, there is a charming biography of this Aeneas written by his friend Alice, Lady Lovat entitled "A Highland Bishop - a character sketch" which you might enjoy if you have not already done so.
    Best regards,
    Alastair Chisholm
