Friday, February 08, 2008

...and I've been asked a (rather sulky-sounding!) anonymous correspondent to this blog, whether I "have any life outside narrow religious activities". Other readers may have noted that I promote this Blog as being a Catholic one, connected with my work as a Catholic journalist and broadcaster. So I don't write much about personal thing unconnected with that - with the quiet conviction that perhaps the details of my personal social life aren't, in any case, terribly interesting.

However, to satisfy Anonymous, I'll give a brief run-down on my other activities over the past couple of weeks or so. These have included (in no particular order of importance): an enjoyable lunch with a dear friend of my late father, girl-talk time over coffee with a niece and one of her friends discussing dresses they were to wear at a College Ball, an agreeable and rather giggly lunch with said niece, tea with a wonderful aunt (cream cakes), an evening watching a 1940s film (chocolate, hankies), a concert (Schubert, Brahms), a couple of extremely satisfying hours in a library (biographies, 19th century history), tea with a Marchioness (smoked salmon, scones), a drinks party with a great many journalists (champagne), a discussion about summer holiday plans with family, and an early morning bike ride with one of the most glorious sunrises I have ever seen.

Happy now?


  1. You shouldn't rise to it, Joanna... "delete, say a Hail Mary and move on" as one of our mutual friends would say!

    ...though it is fun to hear about all the other stuff you're doing!

  2. I love to read the 'catholic blog' - and how do you find time to fit so much in! I think I must be more dsciplined with my time!

  3. Anonymous11:57 pm

    Joanna this is your blog whatever you put in it is your business. As for me I enjoy reading it every day and am in awe of all that your do. If I didn't like your 'Catholicity' I wouldn't read the blog and perhaps those who don't like it should find blogs more to their taste.


  4. Anonymous2:02 am

    I love reading your blog, and a personal touch now and then makes it feel homey, like the paragraph in your bio on the left. To hear about the quiet everyday bits of your life makes me feel peaceful and happy, like reading a Rosamunde Pilcher novel, and I don't find it boring at all.

  5. His Grace reads your blog precisely because it is so utterly human, charmingly real, and communicates a very rich and vibrant life imbued with a profound faith.

    Unlike certain other 'Catholic' blogs which come to mind...

  6. Anonymous1:35 pm

    I enjoyed our giggly lunch too - trumpets and all! xxxxxx

  7. Anonymous2:28 pm

    I love reading your blog...& there's plenty of activity..whoever wrote is plain jealous!

  8. Some of the religious news coming out of the UK these days is somewhat on the disturbing side.

    But if I knew that I could find a place to live within walking or biking distance of the Bogles, I'd move there in a jiffy just for the opportunity to tag along to some of the events she regularly attends.

    I'd even learn to appreciate tea.

  9. Anonymous6:17 pm

    I love reading your blog, Joanna - it's just the right mix of everything. The whole point of Catholicism is incarnation anyway - which means the sacred and the not-so-sacred are no longer separate - all part of humanity. How would you have any part of your life 'outside' your religion?
