Friday, January 18, 2008

Westminster Cathedral... such a reassurring presence, and like lots of Londoners I drop in there when passing...which often means several times a week. Mass, especially the sung Mass at 5.30pm on weekdays, confession, a quiet place to pray - and, at present, until Feb 2nd, a lovely Crib to visit...

So it's with real concern that I see the headline in this week's Catholic Herald "Race to save Westminster Cathedral" - big problems with water leaking into the great domes on the roof, and with the antiuquated electricity and heating systems...which date back to the Cathedral's foundation in the 1900s.

They need a LOT of money for repair work. With several thousand people pouring in and out each week, packing it for Mass on Sundays, and attending the special Masses held there for all great occasions, it should be possible to get the cash...and this is a cause well worth supporting


  1. You can help on line - the home page is

  2. £3 million isnt a lot of money in todays climate and even with the smaller number of Catholics going to Mass nowadays, in principle there should'nt be difficulty in raising it. I'm seeking to put a link on our parish website
