Saturday, January 19, 2008

I was given...

...from New Zealand, at Christmas, a dear little patchwork bag to carry sewing, and a tapestry to do, and a needle-case. It is most satisfying using something pretty instead of a plastic bag, and gives a pleasing feeling when carrying it about...

If you didn't get the Daily Mail's Brideshead series on DVD - available with the newspaper all this past fornight - do, quickly, send off for a set. It is, of course, superb, as all who first saw it back in thre 1980s will recall - and there is an extra DVD at the end, in which various people discuss the book, the TV adaption, Evelyn Waugh's work, and more. The whole thing would be excellent for VI-formers to watch. The lavish Oxford scenes, the sense of 1920s decadence, then the unfolding drama, set in the the glorious sweep of heavely countryside and architecture (the Venice scenes! The hunt at Brideshead!)...then the hesitant but steady, paced move towards the central moment in Lord Marchmain's room...


  1. Anonymous7:28 am

    It is truly wonderful;! i have the set on video already but would like the DVD..

  2. I too have the videos ; and even though I'd adore the dvds I could not stoop to buying the Daily Mail.
    Sorry, but to quote Flaubert : "The Price would be too high!"
    Admittedly over the past few years it has mellowed in its attitudes towards catholicism; but it remains a nasty piece of work.

  3. Anonymous11:15 am

    Hear, hear angelic one. The Daily Mail is the pits. The mind of suburbia in excelsis Deo.
