Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oh dear...

...nutty letters are a part of life for every journalist... but now one gets emails as well. Nasty one arrived today, full of rubbish about "Judeo-Masonic" plots. Ugh. One can cope - sort of - with the nutcases, but it's horrible when they make vile anti-Jewish comments too.

Sometimes these correspondents affirm themselves very traditional Catholics: I don't know how they can be very comfortable with this, as Christ Himself chose to be born as a Jew, one of the people they so's as if they want a sort of Catholicism without Christ. And certainly without his commands about loving one's neighbour, and without His peace...

The Holy Father has much to say on this and I recommend these correspondents to read what he has to say about the nastiness of anti-Jewish comments, and the special bond that should exist between Christians and Jews...


  1. Anonymous6:56 pm

    Thank you for such a straightforward condemnation of such things. I am of a 'traditional bent' myself but also encountered some racism amongst some so called 'traditional catholics' when at university.

  2. Anonymous9:05 pm

    yes i know the type!

  3. Anonymous12:50 pm

    I expect they do this to tease you because your husband is a Jew.

  4. Anonymous9:40 am

    Somewhat off the point of this particular blog, I was startled to see when opening the blog the words: 'You flagged this blog as having objectionable conttent.' This may mean someone has; but on the basis that words and phrases have meanings normally attributed, it means that I so flagged the blog.

    I did not, nor would I do so, although it is easy to think of organizations which might try to shut you up. I sincerely hope they fail!

    I also suspect that clicking on the link out of mere curiosity is fraudulently counted as an objection.

    Keep up the good work.

    Tony Harland-Clarke

  5. Anonymous9:45 pm

    The best thing to do with this nonsense sometimes is to allow these people to hang themselves with their own rope. If you actually ask them to come up with any actual evidence of a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy they'll start floundering around straightaway.
