Sunday, December 02, 2007

An early start... a taxi arrived for me while it was still dark, to whisk me up to London for a discussion on BBC Radio Ulster, about the blasphemy laws. I think it's possible to hear this on a playback system through the Internet, but haven't the least idea how this is would be welcomed.

London looked rather magical on a wintry Sunday morning, the Thames grey and majestic, few people about, skeleton staff at the BBC in Millbank...after the programme, I toyed with the idea of staying on in town, getting breakfast somewhere and walking up to Westminster Cathedral for High Mass, but a car was waiting and the day was beginning to look fierce, so I was taken home. Jamie was getting up and I brewed coffee and made us something to eat, then in due course set off for Mass by bike and the HEAVENS OPENED, such terrific rain that I skidded and had to shelter in a doorway. Arrived at church and peeled off soaking coat,scarf, jacket, and these dripped water into a little puddle beneath the next pew as Mass progressed...afterwards I went into the parish bookshop where I bought some really lovely things for Christmas, but I'm not telling what they are as it would spoil the secret for Mother and for various nieces etc.

Incidentally, there is an excellent DVD about Pope John Paul produced by Vatican Television, which Mother and I enjoyed on Friday, much recommended. I see from the news that there is also a new one, just out, called Santo Subito and I am tempted to get that, too.


  1. Anonymous4:16 pm

    Well do love the rain!

    i will pray for you on my upcoming retreat for continuing your important ministry to the Catholic church..

  2. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Programme is here

    You did very well against a side that was disproportionately "stacked", in my [U.S.] opinion.

  3. Anonymous5:11 pm

    The URL I gave only takes one to the list of programmes. One needs to scroll down on the right-hand list until one reaches "Sunday Sequence", then click on that and you'll get a replay of the programme.

  4. Anonymous1:38 am

    Come on Mary..spell like an American.

  5. Anonymous6:49 am

    Is Christianity being replaced, it certainly feels like it.

  6. Anonymous12:57 pm

    "Anonymous", on a British blog I spell British. :) When in Rome, and all that...

    Best wishes,
