Wednesday, October 10, 2007

London's annual Rosary rally...

...takes place this Saturday, and has been advertised in parish newsletters across London, the suburbs, and the further afield, so there should be a good crowd. The procession starts at 1.45 pm from Westminster Cathedral, and ends at Brompton Oratory with hymns and Benediction.

It is remarkable that, while 150 years ago there might have been some controversy about Catholics marching a statue of Mary shoulder-high through Westminster and Kensington, today no one turns a hair. In fact, people rather like it - if they notice the procession at all (and many people are so used to various groups in today's London that they barely remark on yet another one) it is generally with mild interest and pleasure. Whereas, if we walked through the streets with banners affirming that two men can't marry one another, or that babies shouldn't be deliberately killed by abortion, we would provoke massive - possibly violent - opposition...yet 150 or even 50 years ago, such opinions were mainstream. A complete reversal of things. What a weird world this is at times...


  1. Anonymous1:34 am

    Yes a strange world indeed..
    Maybe one should be more tolerating of the guitar when played to praise our Lord vs- all the "tolerating' of such filth infiltrating the world in record speed.

  2. Anonymous4:35 pm

    Why are you so obsessed with homosexual partnerships? What is so alarming about two people publicly stating that they are living in a loving and stable relationship? I can completely understand the arguements against abortion, though do not necessarily agree with all of them, but I do not see why they should be bracketed with civil partnerships. Bet the blog author won't approve this comment!

  3. Anonymous10:49 pm

    If you do not believe in what the bible says you wouldn't understand.
    The living word of God speaks against homosexuality just like it speaks against abortion. God did not create man to have sex with another man.. woman/woman. It is against Gods law and is considered a sin...DUH!
    Why are people so confused about christian beleifs?..the muslims think it is a sin too. Why isn't anyone questioning them?

  4. Anonymous8:12 pm

    They were smart 150 years ago.

  5. Anonymous1:45 pm

    Which is why I am very glad that I do not believe in your bible or your religion!
    A "serious, mortal sin". Wow.What kind of a 'loving god' do you worship who would condemn people to eternal damnation for doing something that of itself causes no harm to anyone or anything else at all?
    You christians. You talk of 'despising' homosexual lifestyles.Find me that bit in Christ's teachings!
