Friday, September 14, 2007

Today was a rush... London for a discussion on the Jeremy Vine Show (BBC Radio 2), then back to write up a feature interview with Josephine Robinson of the Association of Catholic Women, for a Catholic newspaper, then on to Mother's, where we enjoyed a evening together watching a DVD about England's countryside and the writers and artists who have celebrated it..and both joined in with a lot of the poetry especially Rupert Brooke on Grantchester and the corner of a foreign field that is for ever...and all the while I was sticking stamps on envelopes (over 300 of them) for RC parishes across London and the South East, with handbills about the Towards Advent Festival on Sat Nov 3rd.

I love this time of year, the fresh exciting mornings and the reassurring promise of Autumn that you get around teatime.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:36 am

    What was the name of the DVD?
