Thursday, September 20, 2007

Auntie will be off to America...

...though not for a few weeks yet. I fly to the USA in a month's time, Oct 20th. But there is a great deal to do in preparing for the programmes I will be doing with EWTN in Alabama. These involve doing some cookery - no, I won't give away details. But golly, it's complicated working out recipes, listing what is needed, and arranging what I need to bring myself...especially as, in order to get things right, I have to test some of the recipes here first...

Some good news about religious frreedom in Britain - read this on the Christian Institute's website.

Worked today on the computer virtually non-stop all morning till a late lunch . Is this good for one's eyesight? Cycled off to bank etc, returned to further work. While I type, I enjoy music: I have a set of "100 Popular Classics" which probably makes me seem like a complete musical twerp but there you are...I also have some lovely CDs from the Schola Cantorum of the Cardinal Vaughan School.

Today is our wedding anniversary. I emailed a request to Classic FM that they play "Sheep may safely graze", which we had at our wedding - and J's parents had at their wedding a quarter of a century earlier...I wonder if it will be played?


  1. Anonymous7:02 pm

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary..& good luck in all your up-coming endeavours..God bless

  2. Anonymous2:55 am

    Happy Wedding Anniversary! God Bless you both.

  3. Anonymous6:30 am

    Congratulations to you and Jamie! Thank you for your beautiful example of Christian marriage. May you be blessed with many more happy years together!

  4. Happy Anniversary.

    Now, re: your eye fatigue business:
    "Worked today on the computer virtually non-stop all morning till a late lunch . Is this good for one's eyesight?"

    Arrange it so that when you work you see yellow on black when you are writing. It is the most restful and easy on the eye combination ergonomically. I worked as a programmer for years 8+ hours a day coding stuff and trust me, although it might seem jarring at first, in the long run you wouldn't want to use many other combinations. Don't merely use "yellow" use INTENSE yellow.


  5. Are you a qualified cook? Why have EWTN asked you to appear on their show?

  6. Anonymous9:08 pm

    Anne. God knows.

  7. Anonymous11:52 pm

    Welcome to the States. I checked to see where I could find a CD from the Schola, but it doesn't seem to be available here. Is there a US distributor for us yanks? Fr. Jim

  8. Anonymous11:53 am

    It's bad idea to focus for too long on a computer.
    Get a flat screen rather than a cathode ray tube. Then take plenty of coffee breaks. In practical terms I'm afraid that means instant, which I know you hate. Make that a hot chocolate or tea break.
    You should focus on something in the far distance every few minutes. So try not to work facing away from the window.

  9. Anonymous8:31 pm

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - you can "listen again" on Classic FM if you missed any of the show in which you placed the request.

  10. Sorry! "Sheep May Safely Graze" is currently banned from the airwaves in an effort to combat the spread of foot-and-mouth disease!!

  11. Belated congratulations to both of you.

    I'm no cook, but shall look forward to your programmes, nonetheless.
