Tuesday, June 05, 2007



...in bright sunshine today, I saw there were flags in the Mall and much activity with military bands in Horseguards: it's fun to get glimpses of pageantry as you whizz about on an ordinary day. After spending part of the afternoon working on details of the MIles Jesu Walk on June 23rd (see below) there was time for a cup of coffee with a young relative F. who works for the pro-life movement. She's great fun and we had a happy chatty time. Got talking,however, at one point about the various new laws that seem to be restricting freedom of speech especially on religious/moral ideas and values. It's worrying how often this crops up in conversations among Catholics - and all Christians - these days. Talk turned to other things: her latest novel, out soon, family news. We parted at Victoria Station and I decided to cycle on down to Waterloos. As I paused for the traffic lights at Westminster Bridge, by Big Ben, I thought: it's just silly. This is Britain - of course we are free, and our freedom of speech is a part of our heritage, something passed on to us. Of course it will be all right.


  1. Anonymous1:18 am

    Oh Joanna- I hope you are right ( everthing is going to be alright..) but I am quite concerned as all christians should be.
    There is this new "Hate Speech" law that is effecting America and Europe in a very real way as we live and breath. For us to stick our heads in the sand now would be disasterous. Things may be alright, but we are going to have to fight for it I am afraid. You may of heard about the Pastor in Sweden who was put in jail for speaking openly on what the Bible says about homosexuality. He made these comments in his own church during a church service, and was put in jail for it, because of the Hate Speech Law!

  2. Anonymous10:01 pm

    I think the real danger is opposite. The public will not accept that homosexual acts are moral. So when the political elite try to push the issue, it will open the door for the far right.

    Malcolm McLean

  3. Anonymous2:25 am

    In these days evil appears to be good and the good and moral are made to seem the "real evil"
    We have plenty to be be concerned about-and if we are smart will will understand that. Just the fact that the "Political elite" would want to "push the issue" should make the homosexual feel very secure.

    Claudia Miller

  4. Anonymous9:37 am

    Not to be overly awkward, but if we're free why have people been imprisoned for handing out leaflets exhorting against homosexuality? Why was a schoolgirl arrested and imprisoned for several hours for asking the teacher if she could sit with pupils who spoke English? We may have a great history of freedom in the UK, but I'm beginning to wonder if it might soon become just that, history.

  5. Joanna

    I'm sure someone said much the same thing in 1534-This is England, of course it is Catholic, every thing will be alright!

  6. Anonymous4:07 pm

    Thank you MrSmith for making that point.
    We do need to ask ourselves why indeed have these things happened IF we are free.
