Wednesday, May 30, 2007


VOICES the name of a quarterly magazine produced by Women for Faith and Family in the USA. You can read the current issue o-line if you click on their website, and please do, as I have a feature in it....and there is also a very good piece about World Youth Day written by a young British WYD fan who is known to me.

Today, in heavy rain, I cycled out to drop a couple of copies of the magazine (which had just arrived by post from the USA) to the neighbouring parish where the priest is organising the World Youth Day local group. Home to dry out and get on with some work, but when I was ready to set out again for London, my blue waterproof was still soaked and clammy and dripping. Rain still relentless outside. Rummaged among Jamie's Army things...found a magnificent camoulflage-jacket, gloriously waterproof. Much too large, so had to turn back the sleeves. Removed badges of rank, and cycled off in it. Extremely comfortable. I remember that the Army improved all its wet-weather equipment after the Falkalnds War, when the soldiers found their boots and other gear weren't too efficient. A new style of boot was introduced, and also a new helmet. They came with instructions on how to wear them, and the helmet - I think Jamie still has his - had a large sticker inside which read "WARNING:DO NOT MAKE TEA IN THIS HELMET.

Long pleasant chatty supper with friend, catching up on news and views. Headlines and pix in the evening papers showing the Holy Father meeting the tragic couple who are searching for their lost little girl...


  1. Anonymous9:49 am

    Well said (or rather, written), Joanna!

  2. Anonymous8:57 am

    Someone really said "I'm not bothered because the Church will see me out but I'd rather not be young"?

    It does speak volumes.

    Malcolm McLean
