Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday May 19th


Spent yesterday in Cambridge with young relations E. and F. and their enchanting baby, Hugh. This was a trip with my mother so that she could enjoy an afternoon with her great-grandson, and it was lovely to see them together. He had been unwell (very very messily!) before we arrived and there had been a lot of frantic cleaning-up, but...well...that's family life, and soon we were all happily together and he was snuggling the small fluffy dog from his great-granny, and then sleeping while we nattered over a pub lunch. Later more cuddles and fun with him. He found the sight of me frankly hilarious and simply laughed - I too find the notion of being a great-aunt deliciously absurd. A happy day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:41 pm

    Always enjoy the Blog but this item was particularly warming and made me realise that a new generation needs to be added to the family tree soon.
