Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Interested in my views on fashion, on silence and noise, and more....??? Read me on this website MercatorNet If you enjoy Auntie Joanna's blog, you will definitely enjoy Mercator.


  1. Anonymous7:26 pm

    Very good Joanna, Couldn't help but notice that the peoples comments were so much more upbeat and positive, (but still realistic) than some of the comments you receive at this blog.

  2. Anonymous12:33 pm

    We have some expressions Down Under: "chill out" we say, "Get a life."

    To be honest, why sit at the computer on a warm night
    whinging about other people having fun outside - go and pour a glass of wine and relax.

    Why worry about what they are wearing, if fashion dictates they/we enjoy! And, for goodness sake, if they leave business clothes in the office - good on them for travelling comfortably. Here in Auckland you'd never get away with such silly comments!

  3. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Respect is a thing of the past. People do not seem to care about their good neighbor's or if perhaps THEY would like to sit outdoors on a beautiful evening and enjoy themselves with out having to listen to someone elses blaring choice of music.
    Why are people afarid of a little peace and quiet or even dialog that is meaningful? I think the majority of folks are running from something, by always being busy, always having loud music, or a cell phone or t.v. blasting in their ears. Try doing something differant and tranquil-you may learn something about yourself.

  4. Anonymous4:37 pm


    Those are American "expressions".

    Thank you.
