Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday April 2nd


I was halfway through making some Easter biscuits - hands all covered with pastry - when the doorbell rang. Small girl from next door: had we got any books on ancient Greece? Mmm, yes. Several, as it happens. Washed hands, found large book on ancient Greece plus Greek New Testament. Scrambled over low fence (we never use gates and paths as all the houses are stuck together) to pass them over. Showed Greek lettering in Nt, explained ancient Greek NT Greek. Short discussion re ancient Greece. Wooden horse of Troy? Blank looks. Sparta? "Oh yes - they were brave. It was a separate city and they were Spartans". Told her about the heroes of Thermopolae (sp?):"Go stranger, tell Sparta..etc..." Scrambled back to biscuits and kitchen thinking heroic thoughts. Have always admired Sparta, and at school our classes were named after ancient peoples, and we were Spartans - our parallel class were Athenians, not a patch on us. Chuntered Spartan epitaph as I worked the next batch of pastry. ("Go, Bogle, tell biscuits....")


  1. Anonymous6:41 pm

    Sparta, ah. Understand the bicycle now, Joanna. All that gymnasia - ummmmmm

  2. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Oh my! She bakes too! On my blog you can see my sad attempts to be like Joanna! Only lightheartedly i might add! But she's got 'my' Miles Jesu brothers smitten, so i've got to keep up! LOL

    Re the next post re the writing competitions..i should get details for my girls...

  3. Anonymous9:02 am

    Mmmmm. Sounds as though you have been consulting an encyclopedia. Do you read NT Greek, given your limitations with other languages?
