Tuesday, March 20, 2007



PLEASE , dear correspondents to this blog - understand that I cannot reply to you unless you send me an email address! A nice lady has written saying she wants to get in touch about a speaking engagement. I'm delighted to accept such an engagement: but I CAN'T GET IN TOUCH WITH YOU UNLESS YOU GIVE ME AN ADDRESS!!!!


Rushing about my bike....speaking at a school in Kent, re Tamezin magazine....I give a talk on journalism, we have a mock press conference (today I was, by turns, a mother whose baby had just been rescued in a fire, and then the rescuer....)and also learn to write headlines, think about follow-up features, etc etc. It is great fun. The idea is to encourage young writers. Tamezin runs a Young Journalists' Award which involves a competition: this year's theme is "inspirational interviews".....Tamezin is a real alternative to other teenage magazines and is beginning to be v. popular with young readers....

Very cold weather today, but I prefer it to great heat.I relish cups of coffee at railway stations - a vast improvement on the revolting stewed tea and dreary sandwiches available there in my youth......


I'm still waiting for some response from our Bishops - or some of them, or one of them - in response to the magnificent new document out from Rome about the Eucharist. It says so many important things about the Mass, about the need for beauty in the liturgy, about correcting abuses, about parish music, about Latin, about things that affect every parish gathering for worship every Sunday across Britain.....


Anyone there?


  1. Anonymous10:42 pm

    If you look up the names of the members of the Bishops of England and Wales's liturgy committee and type some of them into Google you will quickly understand why there is silence. Papal documents have few supporters and active opponents. Try Andrew Cameran-Mowat SJ for a start. In the meanwhile. the Holy Father has requested that the Jesuits look at liturgy in their forthcoming General Congregation. The results will make interesting reading.

  2. Joanna,

    Have you read this week's Catholic Herald? The editor, Luke Coppen, makes just the same point as you.


  3. Anonymous2:12 pm

    A recent returnee to the Catholic church I was in a group discussing the role of bishops & priests and their duty to educate was raised. Later we were discussing Vatican II & the priest leading the group was bemoaning the fact that all too little of the material produced by the Council (eg Gaudium & Spes) had been put across to the laity. I asked if this was due to the bishops falling down on the job. 'Er...' was the reply. I certainly don't remember any great enthusiasm for Deus Caritas Est wonderful though that is (and instrumental in getting me back into the Church)
