Sunday, February 25, 2007


With Mother to St James' Church, in London's Spanish Place, for a most inspiring Day of Recollection organised by the Association of Catholic Women and led by Father Stephen Wang. He began - after leading us in the Rosary - with a talk on the Holy Spirit. He pointed out that in the Gospel, when we hear about Our Lord going into the desert, it specifically says that he was led there by the Holy Spirit, something which we often ignore or simply don't even notice. And he went on to explain the significance of this figure in the Holy Trinity, and how he could inspire our lives this Lent....


In the late afternoon, I joined Jamie at the christening of the new baby (fifth child) of the delightful Emery family. I am godmother to their oldest boy, Thomas, who took part in the ceremony, acting as proxy for a godparent unavoidably absent in Australia. The church stood reassuring against a darkening I entered the building, the group round the font, the priest in stole and alb pouring water and saying the timeless words, the voices affirming the beliefs of the Church, the glow of candlelight on the faces, all made for an unforgettable image as I stood there, a late arrival, on this February day. Afterwards, back for drinks and a generous talkative time, hot sausages and pizzas, cakes and goodies passed around with friends and neighbours gathering in a welcoming home, children rushing about trailing mud from the garden, tiny new baby gazing, unfocused, from safe parental arms at this world in which he is now a born-again Christian.....


  1. Wonderful description of the Baptism. When my six-month-old was baptized, our pastor reminded everyone that the rite has us start at the back of the church -- just as we do for funerals. Given my father's recent death, it was a poignant sacramental connection.

    Interesting that you use the word "Christening." Baptisms are so dubbed by Americans in the Northeastern quarter of the U.S. Presumably, they picked it up from the mother country.

  2. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Keep up the good work.
