Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday Jan 14th
A couple of people have sent Comments to my Blog concerned that a priest working at the Vatican has published a book about Oscar Wilde. I honestly cannot see why they are bothered by this. Surely Wilde is a superb example of a man who found in the Catholic Church the peace and absolution that he so desperately needed as a penitent? Just the oither day I was reading to a small niece his lovely children's story about the giant and the wintry garden, and we were both very touched by it...I had bought the book at a Christian bookshop a couple of Christmasses ago and most warmly recommend it....

Thank you to all who have contacted me with information on how I can view American DVDs.....but I still desperately want to know how I can obtain a copyof the new one about Pope John Paul!!! How can I - or any other person in Britain - actually obtain it??


  1. Anonymous12:16 pm

    Try rather than

  2. Anonymous12:54 pm

    You can order it direct from at

    I did that to get Therese and it worked very well.

  3. I'm puzzled by the aversion to Wilde. My understanding is that this particular patient in the Church's "hospital for sinners" was made healthy in the end.
