Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sat Jan 6th
It is always sad taking down the Christmas decorations....but this year I am keping up the Crib until Candlemas. It is so nice having it there in the evenings with the candles lit and glowing into the stable scene.

Golly, the feature in the Catholic Herald about blogging has produced quite a response: lots of coments to this Blog, several of which I have deleted because they were so nasty.

The photograph accompanying the feature is grim - why didn't I comb my hair and put some powder on that shiny nose? My cheeks always look very rosy but in this pic I look ridiculous. suppose I could have worn something a bit better than the denim shirt and my favourite comfortable old guernsey, even though you can't see the darns on its elbows.....

If you are a regular reader of this Blog, but don't ever read the Catholic papers, you are missing out. The Catholic Herald is a really good read - lots of material from Rome, some crisp and interesting comments on topical issues in the Church and society, good feature articles, excellent book reviews, a real sense of being in touch with the wider Church. And in the Catholic Times you can read the excellent Fr Marsden - always an excellent read - and there is also a weekly column by JB, which isn't brilliant but which does give info and history about all the feasts and traditions of the Church's year.

Off to Premier Radio tomorrow to record some early-morning "Thought for the Day"-type broadcasts. They will be broadcast in the wek begining Jan 15th, and if American readers of this Blog want to hear them, Premier is available over the Internet (use a search engine to find it).

In the Bogle family, we are great supporters of authentic tradition, so tomorrow I'm having a small tea-party to mark Epiphany (can't do it today, too much else going on, end of a hectic week). I will make a galette (puff-pastry and marzipan, with a hidden "king" token) and light the candles by the Crib.....


  1. Anonymous3:08 pm

    I have just read your article in the Catholic Herald today Sunday, and would like to congratulate you!
    It"s a great idea , the "blogging", something I have never done, to try and create an on line Catholic group.
    As you so rightly say, it is not easy trying to maintain a Catholic attitude in this society, and I for one will be looking into your comments regularly this year.

    Who knows I may even pass on some of my own if I feel brave enough!

    Best Wishes and keep up the good work!!

  2. I don't have access to the Catholic Herald, but I have read excerpts of your article online. What I have read of your article seems right-on-the-money to me.

  3. Anonymous7:03 pm

    I enjoyed your article in the Catholic Herald (my usual Catholic paper). It so inspired me to try to create a website or a blog that I went to the library on Friday and got "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating a Web Page & Blog". I've been meaning to do something about my "web ambitions" so thank you for that encouragement.

  4. Anonymous9:51 pm

    You are right about the potential for blogging being put ot Catholic use - the www provides a great forum for counter-cultural sharing of ideas that would simply be ignored, trivialised or misrepresented in the mainstream media.

  5. Anonymous12:34 pm

    I thought you looked fine! I didn't know there were so many blogs going on, so I was very interested to read of yours in the Catholic Herald. I have book-marked it and will read it with interest. I am going to keep my crib up longer also, as I did last year - though it may not last till Candlemass!

  6. Anonymous9:39 pm

    Dear Joanna, read your article in the Catholic Herald and saw you recently on EWTN with Feasts and Seasons. Enjoy all your blog, well done. Ignore the nasties, that's just what they are nasty.
    I love the way you defend our Faith, we need brave, jolly people like you. I shall continue to read your bog, it cheers me enormously. God bless and love Maria

  7. Anonymous11:55 pm

    I put up the Christmas decorations as near as possible to Christmas - ideally Christmas Eve but this year that day being a Sunday the decs were put up the day before. They stay up until Ephiphany and the crib is left in place until Candlemas.

    Enjoy your blog - have been reading it since the first day.

  8. Well, I have no idea what you guys are talking about but am very interested! I'll go google Joanna and the article on Catholic Herald right now. We don't get that in the Philippines -- too bad.

    Congratulations on the fruits of your article, Joanna =)

  9. Anonymous1:59 pm

    Hi Joanna! I read your article in the Catholic Herald last week (A paper I have only recently discovered but very much enjoy!). In my late 30's I am embarrassed at my lack of knowledge surrounding my own religion and I have put myself on a steep learning curve, which isn't always easy with 3 young children and few fellow Catholics to learn with/from. It's great to discover active Catholics with their various ways of sharing their beliefs.I will definately be visiting your blog regularly. I wanted to see "Into Great Silence" but can not get to London. It is very frustrating to find how shallow local cinemas are in their selection if films to air. I had the same trouble with The Nativity when I wanted to take the children! Keep blogging! Maria xx
