Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday Jan 15th
Plans for the Catholic Women of the Year event for 2007 are now under way. Anyone can nominate a Catholic woman to be one of our Cath Women of the Year: we are looking for the "unsung heroines", women who are loyal to the Church and express this in real neighbourly service, in supporting or initiating some good work, in upholding Christian values in public life or in business or professional work.....just send a letter to the Chairman at 22 Milton Rd, WARE SG12 0PZ or email it to

You must give the nominated person's FULL NAME AND POSTAL ADDRESS (BTW, this only applies to the United KIngdom....sorry, American or Aussie reader, you will have to launch your own similar initiatives!) and a couple of paragraphs explaining the reason for the nomination. Please do not send a note to me saying "Why doesn't some one nominate so-and-so?" Just get on and do the nominating!!! If for some reason you don't want to write a letter, get some one else to do so.....

Excellent edition of FAITH magazine (subscriptions: contact - I particularly like William Oddie's piece about the Archbishop of Canterbury and Rome and women priests, and, as always Fr Richard Neuhaus writes crisply and amusingly on things American. He is especially good on the question of "Allegiance to God or country?" But don't take my word for it - go and get a copy. Londoners can get one by visiting the (excellent) CTS bookshop in Westminster Cathedral paizza (it's next to McDonalds!) or from the back of one of the big London churches such as St James', Spanish Place.....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:46 pm


    I suggest you have a few pictures on your daily blog. The best blog I have come across and read with eagerness is Father Jose maria Fortea, who is a Spanish Exorcist. His Spanish website is . If you put it through the google tools it is able to be translated from Spanish to English. Try it and see.
