Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wed Dec 13th
OK THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! If you have a daughter/granddaughter/niece/good-daughter who would enjoy a book for Christmas, you have JUST time to order from me a copy of "We didn't mean to start a school". Ideal for a girl aged 9-14....just £5.95p and it's an attractive paperback, an ordinary school-story of the traditional sort but set in the present day. I wrote it as an alternative to some of the gross pornographic junk that passes for girls' fiction in too many shops today. Had rave reviews from young readers. It's NOT preachy or pompous, it's just ordinary girls' fiction. Written under my pen-name Julia Blythe. Send me a cheque now: make the cheque out to J.Bogle and send it to me c/o 34 Barnard Gardens New Malden Surrey KT3 6QG. If you are in America, you can still order as I will race the book to you by airmail, but HURRY. I can accept cheques in American dollars. Add on sufficient to pay for the airmail postage, say $20 in all.

Hectic day. Rushed to Post Office to post gift to dear Auntie Skippie in USA, and to order new passport. Forgot to take money to pay for passport photo. Rushed back home. Out to Post Office again, sat in photo-machine and had pic taken, following instructions in French as I had accidentally pressed the wrong switch for the "what language do you want?" thingummy. Went home to sort out all the neccessary paperwork. Where was my old passport? Hunted high and low. Not on desk where last seen. Not on big table where presents and cards and Advent wreath and Christmas paraphernalia make hunting difficult. Not in kitchen. Tried bathroom. No.Nor bedroom. Nor bicycle basket. Jamie busy on lengthy Christmas letter to Australian rellies, wanted information "What have we done all this year?" Shouted out info about Silver Wedding party, arrival of new great-nephew, publication of latest book, trips to USA and Austria etc as I hunted for passport. Gulp. Nowehere to be found. Stolen? J. finished letter and I hurriedly approved it. Decided passport must havbe been left at Post Office. Set out there again. Am rather tired of that stretch of road. Arrived at Post Office, made enquiries. Yes: pleasant lady behind the counter found it waiting in a box of sundry items. Completed forms, posted everything to Passport Office. Caught train to London where am photocopying Aussie rellies' letter.

I note a comment from Big Sister in the "comments" box. OK, OK, I know I often look a mess, but honestly, I'm often in such a dreadful rush! Hair looks OK from the pic on Fr Tim Finegan's blog, no? Need advice on appearance generally: everyone commented approvingly when my sister arrived from New Zealand a couple of years ago and took me firmly off shopping and kitted me out.....but alas I've probably slipped back into normal scruff-mode since then tho' I do (honestly!!!) dress up properly when I got the chance and I looked OK for recent TV/House of Lords/etc things.....


  1. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Joanna, Just so you know, there are a bunch of people who watch you & read what you write that think you look just fine. It'd be more worrisome if Matthew 25 said that, when we stand before the Lord, He's going to ask us how our hair looked but, turns out, that question isn't on the final exam.

  2. My ten-year-old daughter loved We Didn't Meant to Start a School and very much looks forward to the sequel.

    And Joanna, your EWTN series based on your other book inspired me to post an entry on my site called "Mincemeat and brown food." Enjoy.
