Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wed Nov 7th (I feels a bit jet-lagged and confused after flying to the USA for the weekend)
The house felt cold and a bit bleak when I got in yesterday.... as we have both been away, heating obviously not yet on, tho' weather now (DG!) colder and more like a real November. Soon had the washing-machine going, and this keeps one fairly busy, as it involves rushing to it every five minutes to replace the jam-jar which has to stand beneath the waterpipe conection to collect the drips....yes, yes, we ARE going to get the plumber, but life has been busy.....

Jamie had obviously been home and slept the night but had to go off to work. I collected his shirts etc and got them into the machine.....dealt with a great pile of letters and some phone messages.....discovered that the WRETCHED EMAIL AND INTERNET ARE NOT on my bike and hurried of to Internet cafe to collect emails....friendly lady there said cheerily that she hadn't seen me for a bit, and did I want the usual latte-with-sugar? Well yes, I did, achingly, but didn't have enough money, so had to pretend I was OK with just an hour (£1.50p, all the cash I had on me....) on the computer, no refreshments, and flash what I hoped was a cheery neighbourly smile...dealt with emails and wrote up a bit of this blog, then whizzed home again and sorted out more housework. Then felt a bit dizzy so went to bed for a bit.

When Jamie got in he was on his mobile-phone, talking about some pro-life isue that has come up, and we just flapped hands at one another to indicate "talk later!" but he put on a bleak face so we hugged as silently as we could while the person on the other end of the phone still jabbered on......and I made mugs of tea and when he was eventually free we got comfortable and talked and talked about our respective weekends....

The Royal wedding in Rome sounds simply lovely. Guest list like a couple of pages from the Almanac de Gotha. Beautiful small church in the Vatican. Special message of greeting read out, from the Holy Father. Choir of various friends who sing with Paola in London.......Jamie is always in his element in Rome, being mildly addicted to Latin, baroque architecture, etc, and this time he was meeting a number of old friends at the wedding, including people not seen for ages, and in between various wedding events ( reception after the marriage,
a brunch the next day, etc) he met other friends who work in Rome, and also visted different churches etc.

Today I had to hurry to a meting of the Catholic Women of the Year Luncheon comittee. We raised over £1,500 for the Cenacolo charity at this year's event, which is good. In two years it will be the 40th anniversary of the Luncheon - talked about plans to celebrate, maybe with a pilgrimage somewhere.....

Just re-read this blog, and it sounds awfully silly, like a page from an old-fashioned "Jennifer's Diary"in a society gossip magazine! Put it down to jet-lag. Just off home on my bike (typing this at Internet Cafe) and will work on geting the central heating going.......


  1. Anonymous7:17 pm

    SInce the election news in the USA is so darn depressing today (obviously few Americans care if people have rights before they're born!), it was a huge relief to read your post. It didn't sound "silly" at all. It sounded normal & that's a blessing.

  2. Anonymous1:38 am

    I just watched a program on Cenacolo in Ireland on EWTN this week. Very moving.

  3. Anonymous12:56 pm

    Your blog is a blessing!
