Friday, November 17, 2006

Thursday Nov 16th
Well, really! One can't invent things any more. Today's Daily Telegraph has a report, of course, of yesterday's State Opening, with the Queen's Speech........ and the Government really is going to legislate for lesbians to be able to have babies! They're going to use my money, and yours, to pay for them to have "fertility treatment" to enable this to happen!!

It's so gross, and so ridiculous.

Spent the day working on various writing projects, and also doing a great deal of neccessary housework. (I mention this because people sometimes enquire gently whether we have any domestic life. Well, we do. I cooked Jamie fried-tomatoes-on-toast for breakfast too. So there). Wrote thank-you letters to people who helped with the TOWARDS ADVENT Festival a few days back ....I am so grateful and happy that it all went well. It just goes to show that I wasn't needed - because while I was in America, the whole thing went beautifully, and we are already making plans for 2007.....

The Catholic Herald has a pic of me opening the new St Joseph's bookshop, with nice Father Peter looking very happy, and me brandishing the picture of the Pope that will hang on the shop's main wall.

A phone call from a nice lady in a pro-life group in the North of England, who had read my report in the Catholic Times about Cherie Blair supporting Planned Parenthood and wanted to know more. I explained that it is indeed - alas! - true (Cherie B. ran a big fund-raising event at 10 Downing Street a couple of years ago to launch a PP campaign giving fruit-flavoured condoms to teenagers.....yes....I know....yuk....) and we need to keep alert on this topic as the sands are vrunning out for Mr Blair as Prime Minister, and so fairly soon he and Mrs B. will be looking out for their next activities.,....which, at a guess, will be something which makes use of Cherie's Catholic credentiials and enables them to do something in the European Union bureaucracy or the United Nations.....

Yesterday I mentioned meeting Sister Roseanne Reddy. Today, a nice post arrives from her, with news of an Advent Bazaar in Glasgow, Dec 9th, 104 Alberrt Road, Crosshill (Holy Cross church hall) with mulled wine and mince pies and an Advent Pageant......

I had hoped today to do some serious work on this blog, getting it right so it would look Really Good like Fr Tim Finigan's blog. Like everyone else, I'm an obsessive reader of Fr Tim's blog and it's always so exciting with its pix and videos and things you click on, and things that make music and everything, quite apart from his superb, dry, noextrawoffle way of writing. Now, I remember Fr Tim when he was at school and then went to Oxford and then went off to Rome, he was always brainy so it's not really fair - he can make things go properly on a computer and presumably never feels the urge to batter the thing and weep because it won't do what it's told.......

Anyway in Dec. I am due to speak at a series of evening talks in Fr Tim's parish. This will be fun because (a) things in Fr Tim's parish are always good fun and with a good crowd and (b) I'm jolly well going to ask him how one puts pictures on a blog and can he please write it all out so I can follow it click by click. He has been warned.


  1. Keep up the good work Joanna! I wish I had a quarter of your energy!

  2. Anonymous1:45 pm

    re Mrs Blair

    I have a photograph, culled from somewhere on the internet, of the poor woman brandishing a handful of condoms at some latexfest that she was involved in.

    How someone like Mrs Blair, professing to be a Catholic yet with a spectacular track record on promoting perversity etc., is invited to address the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences makes me wonder how they draw up their guest lists!

  3. Anonymous1:59 pm

    I know of one Parish Priest who read out your Catholic Times report instead of giving a sermon at last Sunday's Masses. Not sure to what extent this sort of practice is recommended, but it was a good article nonetheless.

  4. And no doubt Mr Blair will become a 'Seedling' of the Catholic Church after he gives up being PM. If he does, we will have to assume he has made a good Confession and realised that he was wrong after all to support the abortion of babies up to birth as well as other immoral legislation.
