Wednesday, November 01, 2006

All Saints Day - evening
A beautiful Mas at Westminster Cathedral - afterwards I distributed the last of my handbills about the Festival of Catholic Culture on Sat (at the Cathedral Hall) to the crowds pouring out into the chilly dark. Tomorrow I fly to Ohio for the "Deep in History - Deep in Scripture" conference organised by the Coming Home Network....I learned today there will be 600 people there.

Father Tim Finigan has a most important item on his blog about Civil Partnerships and CAFOD, and it is important to read it. Tap "Hermeneutic of Continuity" into Gogle. Do it now, and get others to read it, to.


  1. Anonymous10:44 am

    Whatever is there to get excited about?

  2. Anonymous11:37 pm

    Nothing to get excited about, Anonymous, but everything to get exercised about... the not-so-small matter of upholding the truth of Catholic Doctrine, especially for an organisation which lays claim to legitimacy by calling itself "Catholic"
