Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday Oct 8th
These golden days are so enchanting: in mellow sunshine and crisp fresh air I cycled to Wimbledon: glorious music at 11 am Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Edge Hill and I was giving out leaflets afterwards re the TOWARDS ADVENT Festival on Sat Nov 4th at Westminster Cathedral Hall. It was lovely to meet a number of old friends - I haven't been to Mass here for a while as I frequently go to St Joseph's, New Malden, instead.

A walk on the Common: the pond, which looked fearfully dry for much of the summer, seems refreshed by recent rain. There are dozens of acorns and conkers beneath the trees - the press are saying it's been a bumper crop of both this year. A blue sky and that piercing sunshine that comes suddenly on an Autumn afternoon as it gets near tea-time ands things are going to start fading into a cosy dusk.

I'm writing this at home (email/internet unaccountably and blissfully on-line again: no explanations, no reasons. One is just grateful), and will shortly cycle back to the church for more leafleting at evening Masses.

Fr Hugh Mackenzie of FAITH magazine has asked me to do some reviews of CTS (google: booklets: there are some excellent new ones at £1.95p. I intend to recommend The Reformation in England, by Raymond Edwards, and Understanding the New Age Movement by Stratford Caldecott. Booklets like this are extremely useful: can be read easily, are light and good for train journeys etc, can be passed to a friend, are cheap, carry good references and ideas for follow-up reading, and don't seem too daunting.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad that CTS booklets aren't available in the U.S. I practically "backed up a truck" to the rack of them at the CTS bookstore during my last visit, buying booklets devoted to Edmund Campion, Thomas More, Margaret Clitheroe, and the Forty Martyrs. I also picked up a slick, rebranded penny catechism and a slightly larger catechism by David Konstadt (sp.) that abbreviates the CCC.

    A new booklet devoted to the general subject of the English Reformation sounds promising, as it would be an opportunity to highlight the recent "myth-busting" work of scholars like Eamon Duffy.
