Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Oct 20th
When I am not Joanna Bogle, I'm "Julia Blythe" and my first children's book "We didn't mean to start a school" was published under that name. It's still selling...ideal Christmas gift for girls aged 9-14, a story about a girls' school in the English countryside. Regular readers of this blog will find bits of it familiar.....I wrote the book as I was so appalled by some of the sordid rubbish that passes for teenage fiction these days. This is a real alternative: it got good reviews and has proved popular. Not easy to buy it in the USA: easiest way is direct from me. Send a cheque for fifteen dollars and I'll post you one: cheque made out to Mrs J. Bogle c/o 34 Barnard Gardens New Malden Surrey KT3 6QG England. MAKE SURE THAT YOU SEND ME A NOTE OF YOUR FULL POSTAL ADDRESS! I would prefer that you write the address in block capitalks: decip[hering place-names can be difficult.....

I am v. grateful to all the kind people who comment to this blog: please note that unless you send me a note of your email address, I cannot reply to you! All comments to the blog pass through a "Comments Moderation" system which means that I read them first, and only publish them if they are suitable. If you want to ask for some specific information, please include your full email address - which I won't publish - and I'll write back to you.

To the lady who enquired about my "Does the Church oppress women?" booklet - yes, I can post you one, so please send a cheque for seven dollars to the address given above.....

Spent this morning doing housework....nephew and niece coming to stay at the weekend as its half-term.


  1. Anonymous2:53 pm

    When one of my children was leaving primary school, each child was asked to bring in a new book which would have a note saying they had donated it to the school, my Aleksandra brought in your book. Why not contact schools, they may be interested in purchasing a copy. It was also a birthday present for some of her friends. She loved your book, read it when she was in Year 5

  2. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Thank you for the info on your book...

    Enjoy your weekend:)

  3. Nice to see your blog Joanna. Linking to mine. Blessings.
