Monday, September 18, 2006

Mon Sept 18th
Hurrah for kind friends who are letting me use their computer...children tumble about, a big mug of tea is offered, there is talk and laughter. Yesterday in Kemsing our kind hosts at the St Edith pilgrimage gave me a couple of beautiful pumpkins from their garden, to keep for Hallowe'en - so I was able to bring one along with me today as a thank-you gift and the children are very enthusiastic, though October seems a long time to wait and I feel it may be turned into a lantern well before then....

As I left the house on my walk here, neighbour Joe got chatting - he's RC too and happened to be in London today and wanted to drop into Westminster Cathedral: "Crowd of these Islamic types in front of the Cathedral doors, shouting into a megaphone, and carrying cards saying vile things about Our Lord and about how Islam will crush Rome. But will the police do anything?"

Have managed to get my Catholic Times column written: you can get this paper at the back of any Catholic Church. If you read my blog, why not get the CATHOLIC TIMES too? Catholic newspapers are worth supporting. And while we're about it, have you looked at the website of the Association of Catholic Women yet?

While chatting to Margaret and Ashley here, Margaret ensures the children are out of the room and then sighs:"I didn't want to have to be the tiresome know, asking to see the Headteacher and saying,um, well, it's about the sex education.....but look at this." It's horrible. For six-year-olds. Learning the names of intimate body parts, doing a quiz about them, looking at pictures of naked people and showing which bits of underwear cover which bits of us (I'm not making this up). "The irony is, the other mum who shares my concern on this and is extremely nice, is a Moslem - we've been friendly for a good while, and then found we shared the same worries about this stuff. So we're talking to other parents and hoping to get enough of them together...." And it could be worse - a lot worse. In the post today, from the Christian Institute, comes news of gross material promoting the homosexual lifestyle, aimed at the littlest children in schools.

Somwetimes I feel the only really useful thing I do each day is say the Rosary. What kind of a country are we living in?


  1. Dear Joana,

    Apropros of what neighbour Joe witnessed at Westminster Cathedral, have you seen Joee Blogs's blog? In case not, he is a Catholic blogger who also went to the Cathedral (on Sunday) and saw the same Muslim protesters. He also took some photos. His post on the matter has generated ALOT of comments. I recommend it to you. Here is the link:

    Many blessings,


  2. Hello, Joanna. Just wanted to say hello and congratulate you on starting a blog. I've just got going too.
    Best, Seán Finnegan.

  3. Joanna

    I feel I have not lived in a day, if I have not managed to say the rosary.

    It is a wonderful thing to do.

    By the way, you have a terrific blog, and I will be coming here often I hope.


  4. Hi Joanna

    It is great to come on to your blog. This will be a good way to keep in touch, and solve the world's problems, as we always do when we get together!


  5. Anonymous5:32 am

    Dear Mrs Bogle,

    Apropos of your question, I have recently learned that Roger Scruton has finally picked up and moved (at least partially) to Virginia, where he is research professor at the Legionaries' Institute of Psychological Studies.

    Of course, we at Our Lady of Walsingham here in Houston greatly enjoyed your talk to us some years ago, so I know you have many friends in Texas, as well as other places in the US, no doubt.

    Well, just a thought...
