Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Probably, I will spend at least part of it learning how this blog thing works. One reason why I typed out that long quote from the Pope was to see how words would appear on the blog. And I clicked the right things and there it was, out there and unable to be erased, in cyberspace.

I will also be doing the following:
- sending my publisher (Gracewing, 2 Southern Ave Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0QF, catalogue recommended - he produces all sorts of interesting things) the text of my new "Yearbook of Feasts and Seasons which I hope will appear in print in 2007;

- posting to various groups and to clergy lots and lots of leaflets and handbills advertising the TOWARDS ADVENT Festival of Catholic Culture which is on Saturday Nov 4th at Westminster Cathedral Hall (yes, yes I know it seems ages ahead, but it isn't really - get the date in your diary now. Admission free.
Excellent range of talks, music, displays by different Catholic organisations);

- working on various bits of journalism (regular column in the Catholic Times - you can get a copy at most Catholic churches in Britain);

1 comment:

  1. And you can get the Catholic Times here in Dublin as well! Welcome aboard!
