Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's just absurd...

...that the British media has got it wrong about World Youth Day and failed to see the real news story. Get the full picture of this extraordinary event here.


  1. Anonymous12:50 pm

    Gosh, it really is Caldecott day today, isn't it?

  2. The british media are all too engrossed in knocking our youngsters, never applauding the many good works and fruits that happen around the world fuelled by our kids such as World Youth Day.

    I guess it's only bad and squalid news that sells papers and increases numbers of viewers to the TV. Sad but true indictment of the world today. What they can't do is take the experience away from any of the lucky kids who attended. That memory will remain with them for life. My own eldest daughter went to Cologne for the World Youth Day, gosh must be three or four years ago now - yikes! She still talks about it, always with fun filled and inspiring memories. There is so much goodness and energy in our youngsters just waiting to be challenged and chanelled into the right activities. And our kids want this - they want us (adults) to show them something good and wholesome, something better than what's currently on offer. It is so sad that our youngsters are always 'sold short'. Always written off as not having much in the way of inspiration and hope. But, what do we show them as examples of a life to aspire to other than footballers and celebrities (yuk!) I ask???
    Thank God for our wonderful Pope, these youngsters will return to their homes from WYD in Sydney, inspired, changed and charged, I am sure! God bless them all.

  3. Anonymous8:14 am

    I used to get het up about this sad fact....the Catholic church will be critisized no matter what. Back at the ranch,though, our church is strong, faithful to the teachings of Christ and doing His work in abundance. This is the most important factor isn't it?

    Both of our children attended WYD and will return home today! We waved them goodbye with prayers for their spiritual growth.
    After watching WYD on and off on EWTN, we know for sure that they have been touched in very special ways over the course of these two weeks in Australia.
    Not only have they met up with like-minded youth, but they've been exposed to the universality of our Church; the love, sencerity and pastoral work done by the religious and clergy on the trip; grown in love for our Lord; and have had the experience of being on a pilgrimage.They have worshipped, prayed and praised alongside thousands of other Catholics.
    They have also been exposed to the negativity of the protesters and, I m sure, have had to think about Whom they truly stand for.
    Last , but not least, they've had the unequivocal experience of sharing in the mass with our dear Papa, heard his messages and felt the Holy Spirit at work!
    The exciting thing is : 500 000 other Catholics have also been charged with the Spirit!

